Sleep problems

Lack of sleep is often a consequence of modern man's hectic life, and this can have many unfortunate physical as well as psychological side effects. Eg. the hormonal balance, the immune system and the metabolism are affected, just as it also affects the ability to concentrate, memory, performance, learning ability, mood, and the body ages faster.


Sleep problems and sleep
The cause of sleep problems is, among other things, imbalances in our natural circadian rhythm, as the natural production of melatonin is inhibited due to blue light, which comes from light pollution (artificial lighting, TV and PC).

Over a day, the body can at most maintain a maximum production of the natural sleep aid, melatonin, for approx. 10-12 hours straight. In adults with a well-balanced circadian rhythm, the production of melatonin takes place, typically for 9-10 hours during the night hours - and it is noticeable in the dark.

Sleep problems and sleep glasses
Many people try to solve the problem with expensive and addictive sleeping pills, but there is a healthy alternative, namely sleep glasses. A simple solution which, on top of that, works after just one to five days of use. In addition, sleep glasses are completely free of annoying side effects.

In people with a well-balanced circadian rhythm, the production of the body's natural sleep aid, melatonin, takes place for 9-10 hours in a row, out of the 24 hours of the day.

People who for one reason or another have imbalances in their melatonin production can improve their sleep remarkably by using sleep glasses. The result is that you fall asleep more easily. Sleep becomes sound and deep, and you wake up refreshed and rested in the morning, as melatonin production is decreasing.

Sleep glasses are a healthy alternative that generally work after just 1-5 days of use.

If you e.g. have to get up the next morning at 6 a.m. and have 8 hours of sleep, you must go to bed at 10 p.m. In this case, you must put on the sleep glasses, e.g. at 9 p.m. If you fall asleep before 10 p.m., then you can try to wear the glasses for less time. If, on the other hand, you are not sleepy and fall asleep easily when you go to bed at 10 p.m., then you have to extend the time you wear the sleep glasses. You decrease or increase the time you wear the sleep glasses at intervals of 10 minutes.

Children, young people and sleep
Far too many children and young people go to bed too late and get too little sleep. They are not rested when they are woken early in the morning because they have to go to kindergarten or school.

A rule of thumb is that children aged 5-9 should sleep 10-12 hours a night, children aged 10-13 should sleep 9-11 hours a night and teenagers should sleep 8-10 hours a night.

Many kindergarten and school children are barely awake during the first hours of kindergarten and school due to too few hours of sleep at night.

This greatly affects their well-being and ability to learn.The problem can be avoided by bringing forward the time in the evening when the production of melatonin starts. This is achieved by the child avoiding exposing his eyes to blue light a few hours before the planned bedtime.

The big culprit today is smartphones, tablets, computers and TV, which many children and young people use right up until they go to sleep. They all emit blue light and this can cause children and young people to delay their need for sleep and be unable to fall asleep.

Children, young people and sleep glasses
The most practical method is to wear sleep glasses, which block the blue light in the light spectrum. As an alternative, you can use LED bulbs, which do not emit blue light, and corresponding screen filters, which are applied directly to TV and PC screens.

In the course of a few days, when the child has avoided blue light in the evening, the cycle for the production of melatonin will be advanced, so that it ends well before meeting time in kindergarten or school.

In the winter, the progress can be consolidated by having the child receive light therapy with blue light shortly after waking up in the morning. Light therapy can be in the form of a light therapy lamp or a dawn simulator.

Research regarding Sleep

Below are a number of summaries/abstracts of scientific trials dealing with sleep.

The summaries originate from medical records (copyright).